Remember love
By Cleo Wade
New York Times bestseller author
Remember Love
by Cleo Wade
How it goes
It's raining
raining & raining & raining
& raining
it rained so much
it felt like it would rain forever
then one day
at 5:30 p.m.
abruptly, with no notice at all
the sky was dry, clear, hot pink, and orange
there was even a little purple woven in
that's what it's like isn't it?
your heart is broken
and every day is sad
one day all at once
with no notice
you find beauty again
I remember love, and I remember my wings. I remember I can fly.
To be alive and connected to something so vast is a stunning gift.
Be kind to yourself
Quitting is often a part of letting go.
#Cleowade #words for tender times #hearttalk #rememberlove
#book #reading with #daughter #daily #life
#책 #일상 #기록 #예쁜책 읽었더니 #마음이몽글몽글

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