Don't sweat the small stuff in Love
직역하면, 작은 일로 땀 흘리지 마라. 라고 해석할 수 있는 이 문장, 책 제목은
사랑할 때, 사소한 일로 속상해하지 마세요. 정도로 번역할 수 있을 것 같아요.
책은 100가지 사랑할 때 해야 할 일/ 하지 말아야 할 일을 적은 글이예요.
크리스틴, 리차드 칼슨 부부가 쓴 책으로 목차만 읽어도 어떤 내용일지 가늠이 오실 것 같아 적어봅니다.

Simple ways to nurture and strengthen your relationships. While avoiding the havits. That break down your loving connection. by Richard Carlson, ph.D, and Kristine Carlson.
1. Mostly, Be Pals.
2. Learn to laugh at yourself
3. Let it Go already
4. Turn up the heat
5. Consider that the grass probably isn't Greener
6. Throw Away your scorecard
7. Be kind first (Kris)
8. Don't use your partner as a punching bag!
9. Ask the question, "Whose quirk is this, anyway?" (Kris)
10. Talk to him his way
11. Avoid the Words, "I love you, but"
12. Fill your life with Opportunities to Express Love
13. Look for the Gifts
14. Mark your Calendar (Kris)
15. Share an Insight
16. Stay Away from Ultimatums
17. Allow Tie for Transitions
18. Don't Fight unless the mood is right
19. Know your own value
20. Put a positive spin on it
21. Remember that your partner can't read your mind
22. Set a good Example (Kris)
23. Don't fight over stupid things
24. Become a World-class Listener
25. Experinece a sudden shift
26. Avoid the "I've had a really hard day" habit
27. Let him buy his lunch
28. Surprise Her with Compliments
29. Stop wishing She (or He) Were different
30. Don't put your partner on the spot
31. Think before you speak
32. Discover What part you are playing
33. Finish the job
34. Think Gentle Thoughts
35. Stay Compassionate
36. Jump-Start your relationship
37. Don't allow passing thoughts to Turn into Issues
38. Become a Low-Maintenance partner
39. Do it your way
40. Wake up and think about three things you love about her
41. Choose peace over irritation
42. Don't sweat the occasional criticism
43. Stay playful
44. Stop rehearsing Unhappiness
45. Don't be the hero of Every story
46. Make the Fresh-Start commitment
47. Avoid correcting Each other
48. Sit in Silence
49. Take Responsibility for Your own happiness
50. Master the Art of the heart to heart
51. Don't Confuse your own Frustration with a Problem in the relationship
52. Stop being so defensive
53. Be consistently Grateful
54. Don't Fall into the "I've got time for Everyone but You" trap
55. Organize a Charitable Project together
56. Ask yourself the Question, "In the Scheme of things, is this really that big a deal?"
57. Don't continue doing the same things and expect a different result
58. Respond with love
59. Look in the mirror
60. Allow your partner to be human
61. Make peace with change
62. Don't overanalyze the Flaws
63. Choose to be supportive (Kris)
64. Jump Ahead and Look back
65. Remember the Equation : A Happy Person Equals A Happy Partner
66. Ask for "Dream Updates"
67. Never underestimate the Power of Love
68. Don't Let your children come between you
69. Learn to Deflect occasional uncalled- for comments
70. Don't come home Frazzled
71. Ask your partner the question, "what's the most difficult part of being in a relationship with me?"
72. Don't Question her (or his) Motives
73. Graceioiusly receive compliments
74. Let go of your toy top three pet peeves
75. Avoid absolute statements (of a Negative nature)
76. Predict the predictable
77. Stop Treating Everything like an Emergency
78. Use letters as a communication tool
79. Don't make your partner walk on eggshells
80. Make a plan to become more loving
81. Gracefully Accept Apologies
82. Reflect, for a moment, on all you don't do
83. Practice regular stress prevention
84. Don't speak for your spouse (or boyfriend, girlfriend, Fiancee or Anyone else)
85. comsipire to inspoire
86. Cast away jealousy (Kris)
87. Allow your partner a few eccentricities
88. Stop being so demanding
89. When in Doubt, Pause
90. Practice unconditional Love
91. Go Ahead and do it
92. Say the words, "I'm sorry"
93. Stay Away from comparisons
94. Learn from a Teen
95. Step aside from Stubbornness
96. Raise your standard of living
97. Allow your partner the space to "lose it" Every once in a while
98. Balance the Act (Kris)
99. Remember the Magic
100. Treasure each other
여러분도 간단하지만, 다 알고 있는 내용이겠지만,
한번 쭉 읽으시며 자신이 잘 못하는 부분이 어떤 것인지
내가 사랑하는 이에게 전하고 싶은 내 마음을 꺼내 조심스럽고 귀하게 전해보시길 바래요.
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