요즘 아이들 책 읽을 시간이 없는 것 같아요.
(스마트폰 보느라;;;)
학기가 시작되면 많은 양의 리서치, 과제, 학교 운동까지 정신없이 바쁘잖아요. 학기 중, 책 읽고 수업하려면 미리미리 읽어두면 좋을 세익스피어 책들 소개해요.
No Fear Shakespeare 버전으로 나와 아이들 눈높이에 맞게 만들어진 책이라 학원에서도 이 책으로 가르치더라고요.
9학년 아이들 추천도서
9th grade reading list :
To kill a mockingbird
By Harper Lee
The catcher in the rye
By J.D. Salinger
Romeo and Juliet
By Shakespeare
The Odyssey
By Homer
The book thief
By Markus Zusak
The hunger game
By Suzanne Collins
10학년 아이들 추천도서
10th grade reading list :
Animal Farm
By George Orwell
Fahrenheit 451
By Ray Bradbury
The great Gatsby
By F.Scott Fitzgerald
Of Mice and Men
By John Steinbeck
Julius Caesar
By William Shakespeare
I am Malala
By malala Yousafzai
Jane Eyre
By Charlotte Bronte
11th grade reading list :
The adventures of Huckleberry Finn
By Mark Twain
The crucible
By Arthur Miller
The scarlet letter
By Nathaniel Howthorne
The Hate u give
By Angie Thomas
The lliad
By Homer
12th grade reading list
By William Shakespeare
By Mary Shelley
Pride and Prejudice
By Jane Austen
Crime and Punishment
By Fyodor Dostoevsky
The doll’s house
By Henrik Ibsen
By Tara Westover
By William Shakespeare
By Toni Morrison
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